Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Random Resolutions
Chance Choices...

I tend to decide things on a whim... I can generally stick with them as long as they are convenient... I once decided to not drink so much soda (translated: pop, sugar water, coke), and I was able to stick with that very well... I decided to attempt to live truthfully, and although it took some work, especially in our society, I've been able to maintain it on a level that I have not witnessed in others... I once considered moving 2400 miles away to a place where I knew no one and had no family, and I did... So my choices can range from relatively insignificant to life altering. I have just recently decided to stop using AIM. There is (are?) a combination of reasons, among them is me making somewhat of an ass of myself, and wasting time by just seeing who's on. What few friends I have don't tend to message me, and I don't tend to bother them. If there's something important, they can email one of my many addresses which I check multiple times daily... So, in summary, goodbye AIM... Besides, I can still chat with Gmail. I must attempt to limit my distractions, and because I started this Blog, I'll trade one distraction for another...


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