Saturday, February 18, 2006

Distraction Management

If I'm not brief, I give anyone reading this permission to cause me mild discomfort when/if they find themselves in my company... (The green text is to signify boring)

So, in an attempt to free up a few credits at school I've been attempting to work with the Engineering writing instructor. He's an interesting fellow and is obviously capable. However he deals with people 'like me' all the time. He would rather I just take the class... (ECOMP 101? No thanks...) So after some persistence and having me get bounced off the head of the English department, he created a "test"...

I was required to sit and write for about 2:30... Two topics (not of my choosing)... In pencil... In two blue books... Not how I wanted to spend my Friday afternoon. But I did, and I had my usual sense of dissatisfaction upon completion... And without a spellchecker I was forced to avoid using words I would have liked to have used, to prevent appearing foolish. I do not write by hand, and I found it difficult to do, being out of practice and disliking the medium... But if that falls through, I can always just provide the English department with my portfolio, I'm sure that will solve the problem...


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