Saturday, February 18, 2006

No Title
Title Forthcoming

I wanted to title this entry "Sensation or (opposite of sensation)" but it seems that sensation is a word without an antonym...
I checked out a book from Olin called, "Sensation: Intelligibility in Sensibility." I read a few paragraphs and I am pleasantly surprised. The voice is very strong in this book, not a single sentence is dumbed down... I might use more interesting words occasionally, but this book is loaded with them. And it's more coherent than Faulkner...

Random sentence:
"All consciousness is consciousness of something; this Husserlian formula designates intentionality as the essence of consciousness."
--neat huh?

Random Paragraph:
"To sense something is to catch on to the sense of something, its direction, orientation, or meaning. Sensibility is sense-perception, apprehension of sense. But to sense something is also to be sensitive to something, to be concerned by it, affected by it. It is to be pleased, gratified, contented and exhilarated, or to be pained, afflicted, and wounded, by something. A sentient subject does not innocently array object-forms about itself; it is not only oriented in free space by their sense, it is subject to them, to their brutality and their sustentation."

I wish I could write like this... Instead I must be content to cogitate and appreciate... Oh, and if you were wondering, I am doing this instead of what I should be; studying and doing homework. Two tests next week, three assignments due, and I'm wasting mental fluidity...

The spellchecker caught 'sustentation,' time to teach...


Something that sustains; a support.

As in: "I seek spiritual sustentation, sensual sustentation, and scholastic sustentation..."


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