Thursday, June 01, 2006


So, this is an update. I got a new toy today, and this is my first creation. A new Masscot to haunt the dreams of some of my readers...

But first, the story...

Carravore wasn't born too different, if you ignore the fangs, eyes, mouth and scorpion-like tail. Oh, I guess you'd also have to look past his insatiable appetite for vegetarians. He's sensitive to the screams of carrots and does his best to eat at least one vegetarian a week. Unfortunately for him, he only weighs 4.2 ounces. On the other hand, vegetarians are like chinese food, you're hungry again in two hours. The one exception he makes in his diet is evil chickens. Especially his nemesis, the perverted chicken...

Without further ado....

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I like this one. It's cute. And the weighing about as much as a stuffed animal kinda makes it even cuter. I like this one. Oh, wait did I already say that? Meh. He's small, but mighty. There's something incredibly adorable about that...

2:16 AM, June 23, 2006  

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