Monday, February 27, 2006

Coffee Too Late
Too Late, It's Gone

Yep, I just drank the last drop of coffee... So either someone is going to have to listen to my incessant chatter tonight, or I'll be actually getting some studying done...maybe... I could potentially be studying Biology this evening...ha...ha... No, that isn't funny to me either. I just felt like spewing forth something unoriginal and annoying. Ok, Matlab class is done, time to look into being productive...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love coffee!! Not sure if I could live without it now that I've found it. Do you deem it possible that someone could actually die from NOT having coffee once becoming so accustomed to having it? I am going to say no but your ideas about things often surprise me.

12:23 AM, March 20, 2006  
Blogger Instantiable said...

Die? No. Coma? Sort of. Sometimes our bodies run on a higher level when under the influence of various stimulants, however after a while our body becomes accustomed to them. Then after a while our bodies seem to use it as its own neurotransmitter. Then the effects become our normal state, and when we quit we seem to rebound the same distance as the original effect, but in the opposite direction. But maybe this is just me...

9:03 AM, March 20, 2006  

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