Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Late Night
Early Morning

[And then the talking cat proceeded to...]
[**My phone is making noise....**]
[What the hell, is it time to wake up already?]
[Wait, that's not my alarm, only took four rings to figure that out...]
"What's up?"
....[my mind forgets the middle stuff]...
"What are you doing Friday?"
[Man, when is the last time someone actually asked me that...]
"Bathing in a vat of self loathing..."
[What did I just say??]
"Bathing in a vat of self loathing..."
[Oh, thought that was what I said... must have sounded better than "nothing" to my still half-sleeping brain...]
...[more omissions]...

My eyes:
I once tried to figure out what color they were, but failed. I call them hazel, since it's a greenish-bluish-brownish color. Some people see green, especially when green is their favorite color.
One person I met saw gray. I hoped it was because they liked the color, and therefore, possibly my eyes, and possibly me. The voice told me it was because gray was boring, and they secretly found me less than interesting. I ignored the voice and tried to be...what's that word...optimistic? Well, actions prove the truth, and I guess the voice was right. But it isn't always...

Yeah, it's a late night, and I'm going back to my dreams, however random they may be...

Thanks for reading.


Blogger lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

i think gray eyes are gorgeous. lucky you ! so shush.

7:43 PM, July 16, 2006  

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