Ahh, a frog's life. Eating bugs, swimming. Must be nice, that is unless your skin flays itself from your body... [7-15-06: Link appears to require a subscription now]
Frugged is one of the frogs being attacked by this fungal plague. However, being a mutant himself, his body mutated the fungus. It's now more virulent, spreading more easily, yet doesn't affect this gloomy green guy. Not being the malicious type, he tries to stay in desolate isolation. Depressed and lonely, partially guilty of leading to the death of all his siblings and friends, he feels his only redemption would be to share this 'gift' with the perverted chicken. If it even exists...
The dazed look is due to low social interaction, you might have seen it on some of the students at a university near you...
What next, any requests?
Labels: Misfits, My_Creations